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The Fernhurst Society

The Fernhurst Portal

A gateway to information, including other websites, about Fernhurst and surrounding areas.


Note: the Fernhurst Society is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. This listing is provided for information only and the services and products listed and any opinions represented therein do not constitute an endorsement by the Society.


Local organisations and clubs






Information sources


Landscape and nature conservation


Genealogy and history




  • Davies, Anthony (editor) (2006) Voices of Fernhurst. The Fernhurst Society.
  • Magilton, John (2003). Fernhurst Furnace and other industrial sites in the western weald. Chichester District Archaeology series, no. 2. Chichester District Council.
  • A. Ponsonby (1920). The Priory and Manor of Lynchmere and Shulbrede. Wessex Press, Taunton.
  • Rickman, John (1998). The Land of Lod. Peggy Rickman.
  • Silver, Brian (1999). Fernhurst including Kingsley Green and Henley: pictures and people.
  • Tite, Graham (1987). Verdley: the history of a Sussex Estate. ICI plc, Plant Protection Division, Fernhurst.
  • Tudor, Alice M. (1934) Fernhurst: the story of a Sussex village. Billing & Sons: Guildford. [Republished 1969 by The Blackdown Bookshop].


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